Quantitative Filter Paper, Buchner Funnels, And Separatory Funnel

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The tools in the lab that used for separating substances, both solids from the liquid or fluid from the fluid, among which is the quantitative filter paper, buchner funnel, and separatory funnel. The quantitative filter paper, is sized to vary according to the size of particles precipitate is filtered. The filter paper in the form of a white paper that is circular with a diameter diverse. Filter paper no. 40, 41, and 42 is a filter paper that is most widely used in laboratory analysis.

To use a quantitative paper filter for filtering with an additional tool is using a glass funnel manually or using a buchner funnel. If filtering with quantitative filter paper and funnel glass, the precipitate filtered using quantitative  filter paper according to the size of the particles of the substance to be filtered. How to attach the quantitative filter paper in the funnel so that the screening process faster is by folding the filter paper into ½ part, press one side of the fold, then fold the filter paper into ¼ sections so that the filter paper is now smaller in size than the glass funnel.

Insert quantitative filter paper into a funnel glass and quantitative filter paper paste on the wall of the funnel with a little aquadest. Hold the mouthpiece with one hand. Cover the bottom of the funnel pipe with the index finger. And the position of the hand with the fingers grasping the funnel. Add distilled water into the filter paper and funnel to exceed the height of distilled water filter paper. Then release the index finger that closes the pipe so that the distilled water will come out of the pipe and the bottom of the funnel, so that no air bubbles between the bottom of the filter paper and pipe, mouthpiece must contain distilled water. In this way the screening process will be faster.

If distilled water in the filter paper has run out, pour a solution containing sediment that will be filtered into the filter paper by means of stick rod on the wall of filter paper in an upright position, then pour the solution on a stir bar until 1 cm below the height of filter paper. This is done so that there is no solution that spills out during filtration.

The buchner funnels filtering is easier and faster than with manual funnel glass. Buchner funnels is a set of tools consists of several tools which is erlenmeyer-legged on top, ring a filter paper, funnel and compressors. Before use, erlenmeyer, rings, and funnel should be washed with water and then with soap and brushed with a brush tube. Then dried in an oven or drained. Cut a quantitative filter paper into small spheres in the size of the ring and place it over the ring. Place the ring along with the filter paper over erlenmeyer then place the funnel on it. Turn the funnel so that all three devices are united and there are no leaks.

Paste stirs bar in the middle of the funnel and then pour the solution containing the precipitate to be filtered into the funnel through the stir bar. Connect the compressor hose to the pipe erlenmeyer. Turn on the compressor to suck air. And the solution is in the funnel sucked down into the erlenmeyer and sediment will be left on the filter paper.

The next tool is used for separating a substance in a liquid with another liquid that is separatory funnel. This funnel made of glass, shaped like a pear that is getting down increasingly cone, at the top there are a lid. The bottom of the funnel there is a tap that can be opened or closed to remove the solution. Then after the tap there is a small pipe as where the flow of the solution in a separating funnel out.

The working principle of a separatory funnel is based on the differences of the solubility properties of a substance dissolved in the solution. How to use a separatory funnel is enter 100 ml of a solution containing the substance to be extracted into a a separatory funnel and then enter 50 ml of solvent. There will be two phases in this solution. The solvent is at the bottom. Whisk strongly in one direction, upwards and then downwards, with the position of the top of the funnel is below. Whisk for 30 minutes.

At the moment shaken, open sometimes the tap to remove the air. Be careful, don't face it, because the vapor may be harmful if inhaled by the nose. Then let the separatory funnel for 30 minutes, so that the two-phase solution coating can be seen clearly. Open the tap funnel so that the solvent will flow down out of the separating funnel. Absorb these solvents. Be careful not to get the solution in above phases come pouring down out with solvent.

Then reinsert the 50 ml of solvent. Whisk strongly in one direction, upwards and then downwards, for 30 minutes. Then let stand for 30 minutes, open the faucet funnel so that the solvent will flow down out of the separatory funnel. Absorb these solvents with the same container with the first shaking. Repeat this process until 5 times and so that substances extracted completely dissolved in the solvent.

Another tool that can be used to separate a substance that centrifuge machine. but the only substance in the form of sediment in solution only that can be separated with this tool. This machine works by centrifugal force. Centrifuge machine is a machine that in the middle of it there is a circle made by metal plate coated with rubber. The metal is rotating at high speed. Speed can be adjusted as needed. If a test tube putted on top of the substances contained in the tube will spin faster and stirred perfect, but the test tube must be held in tandem. If there are deposits of a substance in a test tube, the sediment will condense and separate from the solution.

That is, a few of the tools that are used to separate substances that are used in the lab.

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