Distillation Apparatus

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Distillation is the process of purification of a substance that can be derived from solids or liquids from differences of boiling point. The principle works are a mixture of substances that is boiled to evaporate, and the steam then cooled so that back into a liquid form. Substances which have a lower boiling point will evaporate first and separated from the mixture.

Distillation is a physical process and does not happen to a chemical reaction during the process so that there is no change whatever happens. There is only a process of separation or purification of a substance from a complex material by using certain solvents. In the distillation process contained lab apparatus is bunsen or heater, destilling flask, distillation adapter, thermometer, condenser, receiver adapter, erlenmeyer flask or receiving flask, water hose, clamp, ring stand, tripod, heatproof mat.

The distillation process which is simple distillation, fractional distillation, steam distillation, vacuum distillation and so on in accordance with their respective functions. Simple distillation is used to separate one substance miscible with other substances. For example, water containing minerals or metals, salts, and others, to split water into pure water H2O then do a simple distillation process.

How to assemble the distillation apparatus is destilling flask placed in a round heater or over a bunsen. Place tripod above the bunsen, then heatproof mat on top, and destilling flask over heatproof mat. Do not light the bunsen. Then enter 50 ml the sample water into destilling flask. Enter boiling stones into a destilling flask. Boiling stones function so that bubbles out to be smaller and to avoid splashing strong. Boiling stones are made of porcelain, irregular shape and magnitude of approximately 1 cm. Attach the clamps to the neck of the destilling flask so that the flask can stand firmly. Attach the other end of the clamp to the ring stand. Then attach the distillation adapter rounded upwards. This tool has two apertures, as a place to put a thermometer and as a channel for water vapor to the condenser.

Attach a thermometer on top of the distillation adapter. Then place the condenser at the other end of the distillation adapter. Attach the clamp to hold the condenser. Attach the other end of the clamp to the ring stand. Angle the condenser so the other end is lower. The condenser has a 4 hole that is 2 holes for tap water channels in and out. And two other holes to be connected to the distillation adapter and into the receiver adapter as a channel of water vapor from the distillation adapter. Then put the water hose to the water faucet at the sink. End of the hose is coupled to the lower condenser channel position. Take the other hose and then attach it to the condenser channel a higher position. End of the hose is placed in the sink. The tip of the condenser is connected to the receiver adapter. Under the receiver adapter is placed the erlenmeyer flask or receiving flask.

Open the tap water in the sink so that the water flows into the condenser. Water flows from the bottom to the top of the condenser. Do not reverse installing the hose, because it can result in water flow in the condenser from the top to the bottom. If this happens then there will be an air cavity and not all the cool room will be filled with water. And cooling processes to be not optimal.

Turn on the bunsen and open the oxygen ring to produce two layers of flames, blue and green. The water in the destilling flask will boil and only pure water or H2O that will evaporate. Minerals, metals, salts, and so mixed in water will be left in the destilling flask. The thermometer at the top of the distillation adapter will show the temperature. Check the temperature, it must be not more than the boiling point of water which is 100°C. If the thermometer temperature over 100°C, lower temperatures by reducing the bunsen flame. Water vapor from the destilling flask will enter into condenser. The tap water that flows into the condenser will cools the steam coming out of the destilling flask that turned into a moisture.

Because condenser position is sloping downwards, it will facilitate the moisture formed to flow into the receiver adapter. Pure water (H2O) that goes into the receiver adapter will flow into the erlenmeyer flask or receiving flask under the form of droplets. Droplets of water collected in the erlenmeyer. The pure water as a result of distillation process called distilled water.

Glass apparatus such as destilling flask, distillation adapter, condenser, receiver adapter, erlenmeyer flask or receiving flask, before and after use should be washed with water and then with soap and brushed with a brush tube. Then with water and dried. Destilling flask, erlenmeyer flasks or receiving flask can be dried with a tissue or with drained. The distillation adapter, condenser, receiver adapter, can be dried in the oven.

Applications of distillation process can be divided into two types of distillation, they are in laboratories and in industry. The main difference distillation in laboratories and in industry is the implemented system. In the laboratory distillation process is performed only once, while in the industrial distillation is done on continual process. In the sense of the distillation in the laboratory, the composition of the mixture is separated into component fractions are sorted by volatility, in which the most volatile substances to be separated first. The least volatile substance will be left on the bottom. This process can be repeated when the mixture is added and begin the process of distillation back. In industry, the material to be distilled remain in a fixed composition. Desired substances are separated from the system carefully, and when the starting material runs out it can be added again without stopping the process of distillation.

Lots of products made by the process of distillation. for example, alcohol formed from the fermentation process also purified by distillation. Natural oils are made with distillation processes, for example, ginger oil, olive oil, clove oil, eucalyptus oil and so on. Even oils from soil, distillation is a key element in the separation of petroleum fractions based on boiling point.

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