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There are different kinds of lab and depending on their respective functions, which are :
1. The chemical laboratory
2. The physics laboratory
3. The chemical physics laboratory
4. The basic chemistry laboratory
5. The biochemical laboratories
6. The food analysis laboratory
7. The instruments laboratory
8. The microbiology laboratory
9. The health laboratory
10. And others
When entered a laboratory or a lab (acronym) you must wear a lab coat. Lab coat is white shirt, but there is also a light blue or other light-colored, shaped like a coat with buttons along the front and the material is thicker than the shirt. Buttons used must be easily opened, if a lab coat burned or exposed to hazardous substances, it can be immediately released. Lab coat is longer than a shirt, ideally long lab coats to the knee. There is a reason why so long lab coats to the knee, which is due at the lab we interact with chemicals ranging from harmless to harmful. Sometimes there are chemicals that are corrosive or destructive, especially if exposed skin or clothing. Directly lab coat to protect us from the chemical. Imagine if those chemicals on the skin, it will hurt because your skin, it will blister. White lab coat or other bright colors as if the dirt is immediately visible, if a lab coat, dark it will be difficult to detect or see the stain. Chemical jacket sleeve, length along the wrist. Now it's ready to go into the lab to lab.
When you first enter the lab, a kind of weird smell chemicals normally would immediately smell. There are some standard rules if it is in the lab, which is wearing a lab coat and closed shoes, also to protect our feet from chemicals, wearing pants or a long skirt to the ankle. To protect the eyes is usually a lab goggles, but this is rarely done if only for a simple lab. Disposable rubber gloves or rubber gloves, heavy enough to take on dangerous substances. Masks are used most stout in the microbiology lab to prevent contamination, but are also used in chemical lab to take harmful substances. For women with long hair, the hair should be tied, because it would interfere during the practicum.
The first rule when it's in the lab is forbidden to eat and drink. It is very reasonable if harmful substances get into our mouths accidentally it can be deadly. No smoking, because cigarette could cause a fire if exposed to the chemicals were explosive when exposed to heat. Do not touch or hold or open a bottle of chemicals in the lab. Do not light a fire if not necessary. Bags and other items that are not needed is placed inside a locker, just bring a book and a pen to take notes. Seats in the lab is not on wheels, so not easy to move. Lab table made of cement and tiles that are easy to clean and sturdy. The room under the table used as a closet for storing tools or chemicals that are not dangerous. During the middle of the table made a shelf for storing chemicals that are not dangerous. On the table laid for a Bunsen flame source. Like a burner, but small. Bunsen uses gas as fuel. Gas cylinders placed in the corner of room away from sources of ignition.
Storage of liquids and solids are separated. Solid or powder kept in a cupboard which is closed to keep the damage. Each solids have expire date to ensure product quality. Liquids are made from solids are stored on shelves in the lab or on a shelf above the desk. Liquids concentrated, such as acid. Substance concentrated acid containing more than 95% purity of the substance. They are corrosive and dangerous to put under the hood. The hood is a room measuring 2x1 meters on which there is a blower to suck harmful substances so as not to breathe in the nose. The hood is covered with glass and lights to get much brighter. Lift the cover glass hood if it will use the hood, and do not open it all, open only partially to enter the hand and take the chemicals in the hood.
Sink to wash or take the water to be near the table. Along with soap and other washing liquid. Never dispose of chemical substances into the sink because it will be a waste and environmental damage. Former lab waste put into bottles and sealed. Then collected for disposal. Be careful in disposing of this waste, make sure waste is not mixed and produce dangerous reactions. Dispose of similar waste in one bottle, for example waste using alcohol solvent waste along with other alcohol solvent waste. Label the bottle so that the waste is not mixed, and this facilitates the handling of waste treatment.
The lab floor lined with tiles that are easy to clean. The items that do not need should not be placed in the lab. Lab window should be opened and closed easily, if there is a fire it can quickly remove smoke. For air circulation, place the blower over the windows so that air can enter easily. When the lab is used turn on the blower to get out the air from the lab. A trellis placed in the windows to prevent the unwanted entry into the lab. The lamps used for lighting namely white fluorescent lamps and lights are switched on when the lab used even during the day, to get adequate lighting.
Another room in the lab is a room containing weigh scales, in this room does not open the windows because the wind coming in can affect the scales. Scales of analysis are very sensitive to wind. In this room there are only scales, tables, and chairs. The table must be flat and solid. The room under the table is left blank so that the person can comfortably weigh. No chemicals are placed in this room, this was done so that not a lot of back and forth in the room. If you would weigh, brings tools and the substance to be weighed into the weighing room. And after the completion of weighing, trim back the equipment and substances so weigh room clean again.
Anothers is laboratory assistant room. Laboratory assistant room used by the laboratory assistant to record the availability of tools and chemicals that are in the lab. A laboratory assistant room containing equipment and chemicals. All income and expenses are recorded so that everything is easily traced back if there is an error. The chemicals were placed in a cabinet and arranged alphabetically and numbered on the lid of the bottle. Bottle number corresponding to the number on the list of contents that is placed or affixed to the door of chemicals so easily the search. The table of contents lists the name of the substance, expire date, date of arrival substance to the lab. Each substance has a list of use, purpose of use of the list is to record each use of these substances, the list contains a list of the arrival date, the number of arrivals, dates of use, amount of usage, and the rest of the substances available. This will allow the laboratory assistant to determine the amount of chemicals to be discharged and immediately re-ordering. Laboratory chemicals will not run in this way. Similarly, lab tools, for example, glass tools.
To take notes or briefing meeting that there should be a special room with a blackboard or a white board so it is not done on a lab table. Lab table is only used for lab work. As a practitioner (or the person doing the lab work), before starting the lab should keep a journal. The journal contains columns records, is the time and the estimated time of the stage to be carried out when the lab. Column image to draw the stages of processing lab to make it more clear and unmistakable. Column discussion to record events or knowledge which occurs during the practicum. Each stage is no reason to be practical and could be fatal if it is not done. And the last column is to record results of lab results or observations.
Now everything is complete and ready for lab work. Practicum experience is always exciting because we will know new things and will be remembered rather than learn how to memorize. And with practice we will more easily understand. Each one subject practicum is usually performed for 3 to 4 hours. Or sooner if it had been completed. And after the completion of the lab, must write a report. Report the results of lab usually typed on paper, and in different formats such as journals or the raw reports. All that happens is written in the report.
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